Thank You to the 2017 Mock Trial Volunteers
The Contra Costa County Office of Education produced another successful Mock Trial during February 2017. Teams from local high schools work with teacher- and attorney-coaches to prepare their version of the criminal case from both the prosecution and defense perspective. Students assume the roles of trial attorneys, pretrial motion attorneys, witnesses, clerks and bailiffs. In addition to a competition as attorneys, students also participate in contests as courtroom artists and courtroom journalists.

Volunteer Judges
Hon. Steve Austin
Brooke Barnum- Roberts
Hon. Barry Baskin
Hon. Terence Bruiniers
Hon. Ben Burch
Mike Chamberlain
Aron DeFerrari
Hon. Roger Efremsky
Hon. Jill Fannin
Hon. Richard Flier
Hon. David Flinn
Barry Grove
Matt Guichard
John Hentschel
Hon. Joni Hiramoto
Blair Hoffman
Hon. John Kennedy
Hon. Leslie Landau
Robin Lipetzky
Hon. Clare Maier
Hon. Terri Mockler
Hon. Dan O’Malley
Hon. Mary Ann O’Malley
Hon. Lowell Richards
Hon. Anita Santos
Volunteer Scorers
Bhupen Amin
Phil Andersen
Tamara Bartlett
Paula Bauer
Nicolas Billings
Deborah Bjonerud
Mary Blumberg
Douglas Borchert
Oliver Bray
Maryanne Britten
Alfred Buchta
Tom Camp
Randel Campbell
Dennis Canty
Jerry Chang
Courtney Chu
Matthew Cody
Jacy Dardine
Steven Derby
Peter Detre
Angela Dib
Brian Duus
Frine Eger-Gelston
Scott Fink
Mark Freeman
David Gerson
Cynthia Harris
Teresa Hernandez
Alan Jang
Nathaniel Johnson
Juliet Jonas
Dodie Katague
Rebecca Kelly
Evan Kuluk
Kevin Lally
Alice Lustre
Ben McDonald
Jack McMahon
Steven Mehlman
Lisa Mendes
Tammy Mercado
Alexis Morris
Ryan Morris
Sally Noma
Yasmeen Omidi
Gus Panagotacos
Michael Panikowski
Lew Pascalli, Jr.
Alex Pauley
Dan Payne
Roger Peters
Marina Pitts
Ray Robinson
Julian Ross
Amy Rothman
Joan Saupe
Keren Schlank
Diann Sokoloff
Jessica Spinola
Thomas Sponsler
Rob Sturm
Irene Takahashi
Heidi Taylor
Stephenie Teichman
Sarah Thompson
Mary Whipple
Jonathan Wolff
Julie Woods
Simona Zakheim