Education Series 2020

2020 Education Series

Your Law Practice Roadmap
Practical Guidance for New & Established Attorneys

Nine Sessions | 5:30 – 7 pm | 1 hour MCLE credit | JFK University, 100 Ellinwood, Pleasant HiIl
Members – $20/session or $150/series, Non-members – $40/session or $300/series
Law Student Section Members – $10/session or $70/series

Register for the entire series here.


1. Setting up Practice, Tuesday, January 14

David Pearson – Moderator
Mika Domingo
Qiana Washington

• Budget
• Location/Office vs. Virtual Office
• Marketing Introduction
• Malpractice Insurance
• Legal Research/Software
• Staffing Introduction
• Other topics TBD

1 hr General MCLE credit

Register Now!

2. Retainers, Trusts & Bills, Oh My! , Wednesday, February 12

Heidi Coad-Hermelin – Moderator
Carol Langford
Jen Lee

• Talking to clients about money
• Fee agreements
• Trust accounting
• Billing clients

1 hr General MCLE credit

Register Now!

3.  Clients: Getting Them, Keeping Them and Saying Goodbye , Wednesday, March 11

David Erb – Moderator
Barbara Arsedo
Marie Quashnock
Alay Yajnik

• Moderate Means, LRIS
• Online advertising
• Networking / business advisors
• Shared offices
• Potential clients – red flags
• Substitution of attorneys – rules

1 hr General MCLE credit

Register Now! 

Mark Your Calendar for these Upcoming Sessions

4. Partnerships & Personnel – Who, What, When & How to Hire
Tuesday, April 14 | 1 hour General MCLE credit

5. Using Technology to Enhance and Secure your Practice/Cyber Security
Wednesday, May 13 | 1 hour General MCLE credit

6. Your Professional Reputation – Ethics & Civility
Tuesday, June 9 | 1 hour Legal Ethics MCLE credit

7. The Work/Life Balancing Act
Tuesday, September 15 | 1 hour General MCLE credit

8. Alternative Practices of Law – Inside Law
Wednesday, October 14 | 1 hour General MCLE credit

9. Alternative Practices of Law – It’s a Big, Wide, Wonderful World
Tuesday, November 10 | No MCLE credit

Thank you to Series Sponsors

DLC Consulting Services, LLC

Summa Cum Laude Sponsor


Magna Cum Laude Sponsor