Goodbye 2020

It is a deliberate understatement to say that 2020 has been a difficult year and I doubt anyone will miss it when it is gone.

Last month, using electronic means when the traditional annual on-site situation was not feasible due to COVID-19, CCCBA offered a slate of very interesting seminars to bring you up to date on a variety of topics and the event was quite successful.  This edition is intended to continue that role and supply you with various MCLE articles to further your ability to keep current.

The California Rules of Court were overhauled in 2018.  Natasha S. Chee and Jeffrey T. Thayer have provided us with an outline of the most common rules effecting day-to-day practice that one should know.

Along with that is an article by Carol Langford on dealing with cyber attacks on client information given the world of remote work, laptops, smartphones, email, cloud services and the like. She also provides instruction on preparing against the very real and present danger of destruction of client information by fire.  Although it is December as I write this, due to the unusually dry winter we are having, the fire threat remains eminent.

Facing the ever-evolving world of employment issues, Beth W. Mora provides us with a discussion of issues regarding transgender employees, the challenges they face, and an outline of relevant state and federal laws.  From a different perspective, another article on employment, this by Manuel Jimenez,  deals with paralegals in the legal profession and issues arising from their use.  Also timely is Cynthia Tyler’s MCLE article regarding the Trump Administration’s immigration policies and the ethical quandaries created for attorneys who practice in this area.

Despite the jokes and snide comments that lawyers endure, we always knew that the Law profession was and is ‘essential.’ It is also never easy.  David Mann’s MCLE article on Competency /Substance Abuse reminds us that as attorneys, we face particular challenges due to the nature and demands of our profession and how to get help when those demands become intolerable.

Lastly, a special appreciation to Verna Haas, for her many years of service to the Contra Costa Senior Legal Services organization.

Those we serve have never needed us more and it is our duty to stay current so that we can help them navigate forward. The articles included in this edition have been chosen for their timeliness and for their practical application.

CCCBA wishes you happy holidays and a safe and healthy new year.