Welcome New Members – 2021
Please welcome the following new members who joined the CCCBA between January 1 and December 14, 2021.
First Name | Last Name |
Autumn | Adams |
Greg | Adler |
Adam | Arce |
Kevin | Armonio |
Sabah | Azam |
Lydia | Bednerik Neal |
Jordan | Behmke |
Lyla | Bugara |
Garrett | Burton |
Katie | Capielo |
Harlye | Carlton |
Samantha | Chen |
Samphors | Chhun |
Min | Choi |
Gary | Cloutier |
Geoffrey | Cohen |
Tiffany | Cordova |
Andrew | Crowl |
Ryan | Cummings |
Joseph | Daniels-Salamanca |
Colleen | Davey |
Jesson | De Leon |
Arvonne | De Marco |
Julia | Deutsch |
Ross | Dmochowski |
Joan | Dorsey |
Gabriela | Erostico |
Arnold | Esqueda |
Melissa | Estrada |
Neelufaar | Fatemi |
Minna | Fernan |
Josh | Fleisch |
Ariana | Flynn |
Hani | Ganji |
Jessica | Garcia |
Whitney | Genevro |
Carolyn | Goldstein-Hidalgo |
Patrick | Goonan |
Richard | Gross |
Peter | Hamilton |
Lesley | Hawes |
Andrea | Henson |
Michael | Hinckley |
Morgan | Holmes |
Rebecca | Houle |
Linda | Iannotta |
Jamal | Jackson |
Kristina | Johnson |
Martin | Johnson |
Thomas | Johnson |
Valencia | Johnson |
Marina | Kanushkina |
Eric | Kapral |
Eskinder | Kebret |
Sylas | Kern |
Brent | Kernan |
Johnathon | Kerpsack |
Mitchell | Khurin |
Kyong | Kim |
Shawn | Kim |
Michael | Kline |
Courtney | Knigge |
Ralpt | Kokka |
Sarah | Krasner |
Svetlana | Kristal |
Ellie | Lank |
David | Lavine |
Daniel | LeBel |
Noah | Lebowitz |
Brenton | Lew |
Gongrui | Li |
Christopher | Light |
Kayla | Liu |
Jessica | Lordan |
Maria Celeste | Magana |
Alejandro | Martinez Barron |
Christian | Martorana |
Erin | McKeon |
Alexis | Miller |
Richard | Miller |
Evelyn | Minaise |
Piper | Morrison |
Misa | Mujevic Dzodic |
George | Navarini |
Ethan | Niedermeyer |
Inna | Nytochka |
Andrew | Oberst |
Njideka | Onyeagucha |
Brian | O'Toole |
Tamra | Otten |
Jessica | Ozalp |
Gian | Panetta |
Maya | Patel |
Michael | Patrick |
Luke | Peters |
Kate | Pitzak |
Mia | Polo |
Dorothy | Proudfoot |
Lauren | Quan |
Berenice | Quirino |
Stephanie | Riddell |
Alexandra | Romero |
Katherine | Rotmil |
Leslie Anne | Salvador |
Dennis | Sanchez |
Sarah | Sandford-Smith |
Dorianne | Santa |
Andrew | Saxon |
Julie | Seiger |
Spencer | Sellers |
Bradley | Sena |
Amanda | Sherwood |
Rachel | Shuen |
Rebecca | Spodick |
Chris | Steele |
Sela | Steiger |
Laura | Steinbeck |
Berlinie | St. Fort |
Randall | Strauss |
Christopher | Tanimasa |
Lucy Rose | Taylor |
Stephen | Tessler |
Ashlee | Thomas |
Dominique | Thomas |
Patrice | Truman |
Shannon | Tully |
Manuel | Ugarte, Jr. |
Velma | Waddell |
Jessica | Ward |
Gwendolyn | West |
Traci | Whittemore |
Suzin | Win |
Jeffrey | Woo |
Gregory | Wood |
Kelly | Woodruff |
Melissa | Yago |
Angela | Yakou |
Christopher | Young |
Farrah | Zarea |