David Erb, CCCBA Board President 2023 “Stay Positive”

Photo of David Erb, 2023 CCCBA Board President, Stay PositiveThat is his answer to the question, “What is your favorite quote?” And frankly, that doesn’t surprise me. I am pleased and honored to be writing an article about our incoming Board President, David Erb. This quote is just one of the fascinating tidbits I learned in this article-producing process. Employing exhaustive research and journalistic skills, I did my ‘background’ research by inviting him to lunch for an interview. (Creative and unique, I know!)

I first met David when he was the President of the Family Law Section Board of Directors. Though I was only doing IT support work for the Family Law Section at that time, I did have opportunity to meet and work with him directly. The lasting impression from that brief experience was that he was an optimistic, energetic, and focused attorney. After the lunch ‘interview’ we shared, that perspective was further cemented.

Born in Chicago, David and his family moved to the Alamo/Danville area in his 8th grade year. David received his undergraduate degree at Santa Clara University in finance. While exploring options after his undergraduate studies, he recalled the many summers he spent working for his grandfather at Farmers Insurance. During those summers, his grandfather encouraged him to attend law school. David decided to do just that and has never looked back.

As he was securing his educational degrees at Santa Clara University, David developed two relationships that would change the course of his life both personally and professionally. First, and most significantly, he met his wife, Justine. Second, during his Law School experience, he had a law professor who thought David would excel being a Family Law Attorney and that is the direction he pursued.

David credits much of his successful start as a Family Law attorney here in Contra Costa County to his involvement with the CCCBA. Upon graduation, he decided to open his own practice and connected with CCCBA to participate in the Family Law Moderate Means Program. He also joined the Lawyer Referral Services Panel and the Criminal Conflicts Panel. He states, “I credit my involvement with the CCCBA in teaching me how to practice law and grow a law practice.”

During his vocational and educational journey, David spent several years as a business valuation analyst, at various firms including Burr, Pilger, Mayer, Inc. He prepared valuations for compliance, litigation and strategic purposes. It was this experience combined with his legal work that caught the attention of the Flicker, Kerin, Kruger & Bissada firm. He was recruited to join the firm and is now the Partner in charge of the East Bay Office. He truly enjoys the work as it combines both his experience in finance and business with his extensive legal background.

Outside of his vocational and community-focused efforts, David spends time with his family of two young children, Callie (3) and Carter (1). The fur-family-member is a Cavapoo by the name of Obi-WanKenobi who has graced their life with laughter and joy for four years. David’s interests include tennis and running, but mostly finding and creating memories with his kids.

For his tenure as President for the CCCBA in 2023, David is looking to leverage the fact that we are able to meet in person again, and work to continue to build and enhance the important relationships that make our community so strong. From effective relationships with the Judges to ensuring inclusion and diversity on our Boards and Committees, David knows that the future success of CCCBA hinges on those who are involved.

As we all emerge from the darkness of the pandemic-shutdown and face the many changes in our community, I know that David is the right person at the right time to help CCCBA continue to grow and thrive in our community.