A Thankful Time

As many CCCBA members may know, Verna Haas recently retired from her position as Executive Director of Contra Costs Senior Legal Services.  I was CCSLS’s Board President during some of Verna’s 11 years with the organization.  With her deep caring and commitment, combined with her superb guidance, she significantly expanded the organization.  She energized those around her in extraordinary and highly impactful ways: she took a stable, 30-year non-profit legal services provider and ensured it would continue, and at higher level of services, for many years to come.  It was a pleasure working with and getting to know her.

One of the ways the CCCBA and the community wanted to show appreciation and honor Verna for her years of dedication to the Contra Costa County legal and senior communities was to bring together the thoughts, words and thanks from some of the many court and community partners that she worked with over the years.

As you read these, I know you join me in thanking Verna for her many years of incredible service.
Craig Nevin

“I had the pleasure of working for many years with Verna during my tenure as Executive Director with the JFK University Elder Law Clinic.  She was a stalwart advocate for the vulnerable elder population of Contra Costa County and could always be counted on to assist our clients with her vast resource network and support.  She will be greatly missed as an advocate for seniors and I wish her well in this next chapter of her life!”

Hon. Virginia M. George, Judge of the Superior Court, Contra Costa County

“I took over from Verna as the Executive Director of Contra Costa Senior Legal Services. …I feel very lucky to have crossed paths with her… It is clear how much this organization and its staff, volunteers, and clients have benefited from her caring and effective leadership…she has successfully built an organizational culture that will have a lasting impact…She has shown us how to lead by example, hold ourselves to high standards, work as a team, and treat everyone with decency, kindness, and humor. We will all miss her dearly.”

Jason Schwarz, Executive Director, Contra Costa Senior Legal Services

“Congratulations to Verna, for years of service to the public in so many ways… Her superb leadership of Contra Costa Senior Legal Services has brought comfort and aid to countless seniors who would have been helpless but for the service she fostered.  Thrive in retirement, and work on that backhand on the tennis court!”

Commissioner Lowell Richards (Ret.), Contra Costa Superior Court

“I thank Verna Haas for her service to the elders in our community.  She is a staunch advocate for people who are disenfranchised and marginalized in society.   I wish Verna all the best as she gets to spend her time exactly the way she wants!”

Ruth Atkin, HICAP Program Manager

“As Program Analyst for the Contra Costa Area Agency on Aging, it has been an honor and a pleasure to work with Verna Haas… Her strong leadership guided the agency to grow in so many important ways. Led by Verna’s grace, respect and compassion, CCSLS staff provides vital, life-saving services for countless seniors in our community while allowing the clients to feel safe and supported through difficult times.  I know for a fact that the success of Contra Costa Senior Legal Services is due to her amazing leadership!  Wishing you the best in your next great adventure!”

Glenda Pacha, Contra Costa Area Agency on Aging