Court Fees – Then & Now
Wondering how fees at the court have changed over the years? Check out these samples from 1978 through today. Click on the thumbnail and a larger pdf will open. Enjoy the good old days!
2019 Diversity Award Winners
3+ Attorney Firms: Platinum | 3+ Attorney Firms: Silver | Solo & 2 Attorney Firms: Platinum | Solo & 2 Attorney Firms: Gold | Solo & 2 Attorney Firms: Silver |
Cooper, White & Cooper LLP Hanson Bridgett Livingston Law Firm Littler Mendelson PC Quarles & Brady LLP Ropers Majeski Kohn & Bentley PC | Miller Starr Regalia | The Law Office of Ariel Brownell Law Offices of Natasha S. Chee M.S. Domingo Law Group, P.C. Key Counsel, P.C. Mora Employment Law, APC S.C. Selleck Law | Washington & Associates | Law Office of Marjorie A. Wallace |