Mock Trial
The 38th Annual Mock Trial Program takes place in Martinez on Tuesdays and Thursdays from January 29 through February 19, 2019. The Mock Trial Program is sponsored by the Constitutional Rights Foundation (CRF) and administered by the Contra Costa County Office of Education. Each year CRF creates a mock trial that addresses serious matters facing young people today. The case this year involves a false report of an emergency and criminal threat.
Teams from 17 high schools in Contra Costa County work with teacher and attorney coaches to prepare their version of the criminal case, both from the prosecution and defense perspective. Students assume the roles of trial attorneys, pretrial motion attorneys, witnesses, clerks, and bailiffs. Contra Costa County judges preside over the mock trials and local attorneys score the teams in the competition. The winner of the competition goes on the State Mock Trial March 22-24 in Sacramento.
The mock trial program relies on over 100 judges and attorneys to volunteer their time each year to help make this program a success. If you are interested in being an attorney scorer for this event, please contact Jonathan Lance at (925) 942-3429 or Jlance@cccoe.k12.ca.us.