President’s Message
Well, here we are at the end of summer. It always seems to go so fast, doesn’t it?
Summer tends to make people look up from their desks and think about the other parts of their lives. Summer vacations with the family (or not) are something we look forward to all year. Long, warm summer nights mean that when our day is over, there is still fun to be had and daylight to be enjoyed. Summer can give us the time and space to try something new, whether it is hiking up Mt. Diablo, river rafting on the Sacramento River, traveling abroad or simply giving ourselves the freedom to flex our creative muscles.
To that end, I wanted to introduce a new feature that we are offering to our members on a trial basis. We know that many of you have a strong creative side that you express outside of the law. How would you like to have a place to publish your work? That is the idea behind Creative Corner, a place for our members to publish and display their creative work.
Do you write fiction (legal or otherwise)? Are you an artist or photographer? How do you express your creative side? We would love to know — and share it with the rest of our members!
We are kicking off this new feature with a couple of “fan favorites”- Justice Marchiano’s Tales from the Bray Building and More Tales from the Bray Building. Creative Corner can be found at the CCCBA website, Attorney Home, and click on Contra Costa Lawyer at the top, below the search box (or here). I hope you enjoy Creative Corner and I look forward to seeing all the creative ideas that come from our members! And, please, let us know how you like it!
Happy summer!