There Ought to be a Law
If you have ever felt yourself thinking these words, the Conference of California Bar Associations (CCBA) is for you.
Every year, delegates from the Contra Costa County Bar Association, and bar associations all over the state, meet for an annual conference, usually in September or October, to review, vet, and argue resolutions proposed by participating California local bar associations.
Contra Costa County delegates have had several bills enacted in the past. Although the Contra Costa County delegation has continued to thrive, we are always looking for new and excited members. The bigger your delegation, the bigger your voice at the conference.
The resolutions that are reviewed and debated at the conference are voted on by participating delegations. In 2018 alone, the CCBA was involved in 44 pieces of legislation as sponsor, source, co-sponsor, or supporter. Of these 44 pieces of legislation, 24 bills were signed into law.
Although it is difficult to pinpoint exactly why the CCBA has so much success getting legislation enacted, it is likely because the resolutions we put forward are so carefully and meticulously vetted and argued by experienced attorneys all over the state of California. This adds a level of credibility when resolutions that are passed through the conference are presented to state legislators.
The conference is also a good way to grow your network, meet amazing attorneys from all over the state, and learn about many different areas of the law. Aside from the fun and comaraderie established with your fellow delegates, the conference becomes a forum to feel as though you are truly being heard on issues which impact you and your clients. Many ask what they can expect from the conference. It is a large conference room with tables and chairs, all in rows. We sit amongst out delegation. The conference is run by the CCBA Board.
Over the two days, you will hear resolutions argued and debated by colleagues from throughout the state. After the resolution is debated, the board calls for a vote. If the resolutions pass the conference, the CCBA’s lobbyist, Larry Doyle, helps to get state assembly members and senators to sponsor the resolution in legislation form.
If you are interested in making an impact on the laws in California, or if you know of a certain law that needs to be corrected because it affects your practice area, we welcome you to join us.
The deadline for CCBA resolutions for the 2019 conference is March 1, 2019. If you are concerned about being able to draft proposed legislation for the first time, do not be. We have numerous members willing to assist you.
Lastly, the conference takes place October 10th through 13th this year in Monterey. We hope that you can join us and support our efforts to make a difference with respect to California laws. Please feel free to reach out to the Contra Costa County Bar Association if you are interested.