YOU BET #ImWithHer
But not because I believe electing Donald J. Trump represents a grievous danger to our country and the United States Constitution. (Though, Trump does represent that.) Not because I’ve consistently identified as a loyal member of the Democratic Party dating back to the 1992 victory celebration at The Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco with Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, and Nancy Pelosi. (Thanks, Mom.) And not because I tweeted #FeelTheBern during the long slog of a primary and now feel resigned to vote for whomever my party nominates. (Donated $20.16 to Hillary for America the day of her announcement and every month thereafter.)
I will vote for Hillary Clinton to become the next President of the United States on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, because there’s no doubt in my mind that the Hillary Clinton–Tim Kaine ticket represents the best choice for these United States to remain stronger together and to continue to make our lives better here at home. Candidly, whether a Democrat or a Republican or someone who wishes a pox on both parties, you should vote for Secretary Hillary Clinton and Virginia Senator Tim Kaine too.
I may not represent the “stereotypical” demographic for a strong supporter of Hillary Clinton. I’m male and I’m white and I grew up and live in Danville, California and I work as a business litigator. Additionally, I vociferously supported Barack Obama in 2008 when he ran against her. Since 2007, I’ve worked tirelessly to support Barack Obama—as a candidate, as president, and during his reelection in 2012. His policy achievements are perhaps only second to President Franklin D. Roosevelt in terms of their breadth and depth in ensuring more Americans possess the right to access affordable healthcare, access the benefits of a higher education, breathe clean air, and need not fear the economic floor from falling out from under them.
When I sat down in 2015 to consider the options for president, a diverse array of choices was available for me and other Democrats to consider.
Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State during President Barack Obama’s first term, as a United States Senator from New York for eight years, and as First Lady of the United States when her husband Bill Clinton served as President – an unparalleled amount of experience in government and public life.
Martin O’Malley served as Governor of Maryland from 2007 to 2015 and Mayor of Baltimore before that – earning a reputation as a forward thinking progressive exuding a positive, can-do attitude.
United States Senator Bernie Sanders – who caucused with Democrats in Congress since his election to represent Vermont– offered a passionate vision for even more far-reaching progressive change than that offered by Barack Obama in 2008.
Through all the back-and-forth during the primary and despite many invitations from my friend and fellow attorney U.S. Representative Eric Swalwell (D-San Ramon) to support Governor O’Malley, I remained steadfast in my support for Hillary Clinton because her service to President Obama and the country – after an arduous primary election in 2008 – demonstrated to me a real resolve to work toward progressive goals in partnership with others. (Congressman Swalwell – a millennial leader– enthusiastically said #ImWithHer after the Iowa Caucuses because he learned while campaigning with Governor O’Malley in Iowa that Hillary Clinton represented the best option to move our country forward, especially on issues that matter to young people.)
Yet, Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine do not simply represent more of the same after eight years of President Barack Obama. Rather, they represent the natural progression in making forward progress on the issues that matter to so many Americans: restoring and expanding voting rights, ensuring equal pay for equal work, rebuilding and reinvesting in America’s infrastructure, ensuring justice delayed is not justice denied by fully staffing our federal courts at all levels, fighting terrorism by building alliances at home and abroad, and expanding debt-free college to all Americans represent just a small sample of the progress we will make with Hillary Clinton as our 45th President.
To me, those goals sound a lot better than reneging on treaties, debt doubling tax cuts, and divisive rhetoric that divides communities here in the U.S. as well as in other countries. Tim Kaine said it best: in the next president, Americans should vote for a “You’re Hired!” leader – not one famous for saying, “You’re fired!” and not one who is the most litigious presidential candidate ever (especially for stiffing workers and businesses). Americans should vote for a leader with a record as an experienced bridge-builder, not a trash-talker. Americans should vote for a leader who puts families and kids first, not someone who puts himself first.
Who is that leader? Hillary Clinton.