CCCBA Committees

Our committees are responsible for the general administration of our Bar Association. We greatly appreciate members’ collective expertise and voluntary efforts!

General Operations


Interviews and reviews qualifications and independence of CCCBA financial auditors; selects Independent Accountant and provides scope of work; reviews adequacy of internal controls systems; provides oversight on integrity of financial statements and reports; reports directly to Board of Directors, at least annually.

Conference of California Bar Associations

CCCBA delegation drafts proposed legislation to create new or change existing laws; discusses proposed resolutions drafted by delegations statewide in preparation for annual conference, at which they are debated.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Focuses on activities that promote diversity within CCCBA membership, including work with local high school law academies and the bench; Develops MCLE programs that provide elimination of bias credit. For more information please see Diversity is a Top Priority.


General operation of CCCBA, including: Direction and supervision of Bar Executive Director; coordination with CCCBA Sections and committees, as well as with other county bar associations; Liaison with State Bar Association(s), government agencies, and public officials; Media/Public Relations matters; Recommendations on dues with consultation of membership committee.


Oversees all financial matters for CCCBA, including: Operating and capital budgets; Borrowings and capital planning; Material contracts and leases; Preparation of revenue and expense budgets; Business plan development and implementation; Facilities and equipment; Investment funds management in accordance with Board approved investment policies.


Updates Bylaws and Board policies to ensure compliance with IRS and other legal requirements.

Nominating (Directors)

Responsible for nomination of slate of Board of Directors.

Nominating (Officers)

Responsible for nomination of slate of officers (other than the President).


Oversees staff personnel issues and policies for CCCBA.

Bench / Bar Issues

Bench/Bar Coalition

Participates in Bench/Bar Coalition meetings and quarterly conference calls. Participates in  events in Sacramento where Bench and Bar work together to talk to legislators about court funding needs.

Bench/Bar Liaison

Work to ensure continuity, committee comprised of current Executive officers, who: Coordinate overall relationship between CCCBA and Contra Costa Superior Court and court administrator’s office; address issues of professional courtesy, bias and diversity; and oversee bar volunteer programs with local court.

Judicial Bias

Addresses allegations by participants in a court proceeding (includes, but is not limited to counsel, court personnel, witnesses, parties or jurors) who believe a judicial officer has engaged in the act of bias based on age, gender, sexual orientation, disability or mental impairment, socioeconomic status, religion, national origin, marital status, medical condition, or race bias in the courts. The purpose of this Committee is not one of discipline, but to educate and preserve the integrity and impartiality of the judicial system.

Judicial Evaluation

Confidential evaluation of candidates for nomination to Superior Court.  Conducts background research on and interviews with local judicial candidates; provides report ranking candidate(s) to Governor’s Judicial Appointments office.

Membership Recruitment, Retention & Member Services

Member Services

Reviews, evaluates and oversees membership benefits and services


Works with bar staff to plan and coordinate MCLE Spectacular, law practice development programs, section support, general bar meetings and social events.

Membership Recruitment & Retention

Responsible for membership recruitment and retention, new admittee swearing-in ceremonies, affiliate members and member participation, section support, and law practice development.

Wellness Committee

The CCCBA Wellness committee encourages our members to make taking care of themselves a priority. For the first half of 2022 we held a Wellness Challenge with a new challenge every two weeks. You can browse this page for ideas, activities, and resources.

Publications & Communications


Responsible for the publication of the Contra Costa Lawyer magazine.

For advertising opportunities, please call Carole Lucido, Communications Director, at 925-370-2542 or

Attorney / Client Relations

Attorney / Client Relations

Oversees program to meet the needs of the public and members of the legal profession in the area of client relations. Addresses client grievances.

Lawyer Referral & Information Service

Oversees operation of the LRIS program, including compliance with State Bar of California certification requirements.

Community Service / Pro Bono

Charitable Contributions

Raises and disseminates money to organizations that provide legal services and legal education to members of the Contra Costa Community through the Bar Fund.

Food From The Bar

Coordinates annual food drive with Food Bank of Contra Costa & Solano and plans kick-off event.

Pro Bono

Promotes volunteer involvement in pro bono activities through local legal services organizations, court-sponsored pro per assistance programs, and CCCBA’s free legal workshops.