Magazine Archive

  • February 2017
Judging Gender: Gender Laws are at Odds with Science

A person’s biological sex seems simple but is deceptively complex. It appears to be binary: An XX chromosomal pair is female, and an XY chromosomal pair is male. Doctors look at a newborn’s genitalia, pronounce the baby a boy or a girl, and the birth certificate reflects that sex assignment. Deep-seated religious beliefs, cultural constructs, the regulation of sports...

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  • President's Message
  • February 2017
"Can We All Get Along?"

We can each do our part to understand each other better. We can all benefit from listening and appreciating the views and ideas of those who have backgrounds and perspectives which differ from our own.

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  • Inside
  • February 2017
An Abbreviated History

  This issue of Contra Costa Lawyer magazine deals with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (“LGBTQ”) current legal rights and some of the issues facing the community. One integral question to ask is, who created this term, LGBTQ? Is the term LGBTQ merely just a bunch of letters that have been grouped together over...

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  • Featured
  • February 2017
California Law Protects the Rights of LGBTQs - What You Can Do to Help Protect the Civil Rights of the LGBTQ Community and Other Victims of Bias

The Southern Poverty Law Center reports that harassment of LGBTQ individuals has been reported across the country, making up 11% of all reported incidents.

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  • Featured
  • February 2017
LGBTQ Family Protection After the 2016 Presidential Election

There are many changes and challenges ahead as we navigate the new realities under the incoming presidential administration. It is important to know and understand the legal protections that are available to the LGBT client community...

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  • Featured
  • February 2017
The Evolution of Parentage Law and Recognition of LGBTQ Families and the Impact on Children in Dependency Proceedings: A View from the Bench

Juvenile dependency proceedings are designed to protect the safety and well-being of children. The judge’s responsibility is to ensure the safety of children and be the guardian of the constitutional rights of parents. One of the first issues the judge presiding over dependency proceedings must address is the determination of parentage. Determining parentage not only...

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