Magazine Archive

  • Practice Management
  • March 2024
The Modern Office and How to Avoid Paper Cuts

When I started practicing law in the 1990s we, collectively as a society, were giving up our IBM Selectric typewriters and migrating towards personal computers. We brought paper files to court, spread them out on our conference room tables, and hand-wrote stipulations at court using pink, blue, yellow, and white carbon paper forms. It is...

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  • Practice Management
  • March 2024
Going Virtual

Traditionally, law is a profession rooted in brick-and-mortar offices, face-to-face interactions, reams of paper, and bloated overhead costs. However, a significant transformation in how modern law offices practice is underway: practitioners are going virtual. This shift towards virtual practices is redefining the landscape of legal work. For many, including myself, the journey towards a virtual...

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  • Practice Management
  • March 2024
The Ubiquitous Threat of a Data Breach Your Ethical Duties to Mitigate the Risks

Attempted and actual data breaches involving attorneys and their clients are increasing in frequency, sophistication and severity. Lawyers need to protect clients’ privileged communications and other sensitive information. Employing the right strategies and tools can help reduce the risks of a data breach. This article addresses the ethical issues that can arise, the applicable ethical...

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  • Practice Management
  • March 2024
Outsmarting Cyber Crime: Tips from the eCrime Unit

Almost every day we hear about a cyber incident or a data breach from a well-known company. Law firms are attractive targets for cyberattacks because they have money, sensitive data, and less cybersecurity knowledge than other industries. In January 2024, the large law firm Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe was hit by a data breach where...

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  • Inside
  • March 2024
Doing More with Less

Technology has changed the way lawyers work. Just a few years ago, law firms used typists and voice dictation to draft documents. Now, software such as ChatGPT can write letters for us (although you might want to proofread the letter closely). We have all heard about the lawyers who used ChatGPT to write a brief...

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