Magazine Archive

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  • February 2017
California Law Protects the Rights of LGBTQs - What You Can Do to Help Protect the Civil Rights of the LGBTQ Community and Other Victims of Bias

The Southern Poverty Law Center reports that harassment of LGBTQ individuals has been reported across the country, making up 11% of all reported incidents.

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  • February 2017
LGBTQ Family Protection After the 2016 Presidential Election

There are many changes and challenges ahead as we navigate the new realities under the incoming presidential administration. It is important to know and understand the legal protections that are available to the LGBT client community...

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  • February 2017
The Evolution of Parentage Law and Recognition of LGBTQ Families and the Impact on Children in Dependency Proceedings: A View from the Bench

Juvenile dependency proceedings are designed to protect the safety and well-being of children. The judge’s responsibility is to ensure the safety of children and be the guardian of the constitutional rights of parents. One of the first issues the judge presiding over dependency proceedings must address is the determination of parentage. Determining parentage not only...

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  • February 2017
Considerations in Domestic Violence Restraining Order Cases Involving LGBTQ Parties

Unique issues can arise in the context of domestic violence restraining order cases involving LGBTQ litigants. In some cases the person seeking protection (or a witness) may not be “out” about their sexual orientation or gender identity.

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  • February 2017
A Brief Overview of the Transgender Employee in California & Their Rights in the Workplace

The 2016 report provided a detailed look at the experiences of transgender people across a wide range of categories including employment. The findings reveal disturbing patterns of mistreatment and discrimination.

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  • February 2017
Reparative Therapy: An Old Conflict Returns with New Skirmishes Ahead

Reparative therapy is based on the conviction that same-gender attraction and gender identity shifts result from emotional damage and that psychological counseling can repair or reprogram these sexual “disorders.” This perspective is in direct opposition to a growing number of studies that highlight hormonal and biological differences among individuals attracted to the same gender. Biological...

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