Magazine Archive

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  • July 2020
Baby Boomers Unite!

The Birth and Maturation of the Senior Lawyer Section In 2018, CCCBA President James Wu contemplated the initiatives for the CCCBA for the year. He thought of serving the many “experienced” members of the Bar and created the “Senior Lawyers Task Force” to look at topics and issues affecting those attorneys. The Task Force was...

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  • July 2020
Ethical Guide to Succession Planning

The premature closing of a law office can result from an unexpected disability, death, disappearance or discipline of an attorney. The failure to plan adequately for the unexpected can result in harm to the client and in confusion and hardship for the attorney’s family, staff and professional colleagues. In addition as attorneys retire a succession...

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  • July 2020
Beware of Trust Mills

High Volume “Estate Planning” May Be Elder Financial Abuse With the recent rise of health concerns, many people young and old rushed to implement an estate plan to protect themselves and their loved ones. Unfortunately, some less scrupulous individuals used the fear as an opportunity to prey on portions of our elderly community, targeting them...

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  • July 2020
Rights & Resources for the Elderly During the Pandemic

As Bob Dylan wrote in his famous song: “The Times, They Are A Changin’.” No truer words have been spoken in these unusual and uncertain times. During this pandemic we have heard increasing whispers that we should all expect a “new normal.” What does the “new normal” look like? Only time will tell. According to...

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  • July 2020
Diversity Considerations in the Appointment of Counsel for Conservatees: Unintentional Implicit Bias

California Probate Code Section 1471 provides that the court may appoint private counsel for a conservatee or proposed conservatee if “it would be helpful to the resolution of the matter or is necessary to the protection of the person’s interest.” Throughout the state of California, attorneys are appointed to provide unbiased representation of elders in...

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