Juvenile Law Section

Juvenile Law Section members are lawyers who represent children, parents, guardians, foster parents, relatives, and others involved in juvenile dependency proceedings, who are before the court due to the abuse or neglect of a child. Membership in our section provides beneficial continuing legal education and opportunities for professional development.

Brown bag lunch MCLE programs are held on such topics as case law and statutory reviews, techniques on interviewing children, the Indian Child Welfare Act, immigration laws and their effect on dependent children, and recognizing and treating substance abuse in our clients. Speakers include experienced attorneys, therapists, and other professionals, Besides fulfilling state bar requirements, these programs go towards meeting the local court rules for mandatory competence of counsel.

During the holiday season, we also sponsor an annual toy drive for foster children and teens in need in our county. We participate in meetings between the bench, Social Services, Contra Costa Juvenile Advocates (CCJA) and through representation at the “Judges’ Meeting.” We also participate in the Social Worker-Attorney Training Committee (SWATT).

Rhonda Wilson-Rice


Rhonda Wilson-Rice
Law Office of Rhonda Wilson-Rice
(925) 736-3000

CCCBA Board Liaison

Indy Colbath