Law Student Section

The Law Student Section engages students with attorneys in countless networking and mentorship opportunities. With all the sections that CCCBA offers, the law student members have the opportunity to explore many areas of potential practice.

Law student membership comes primarily from Hastings, Boalt, and Golden Gate University. Section members can expand their law school education in significant ways that both serve the community and yield practical legal experience. Volunteer opportunities at many of the bar-hosted events allow students to serve the legal community while honing their networking skills. Events, such as the annual MCLE Spectacular, also provide students important exposure to current issues in the field of law. Students can gain hands-on experience through the CCCBA-sponsored “Free Legal Workshops” as they may work directly with attorneys in a consumer-oriented client setting. The CCCBA is bridging the gap between the law school and the real life practice opportunities through their mentorship, internships, and networking events.

If you are a law student in the Bay Area and are interested in partnering with CCCBA, please contact your Anne Wolf at Suggestions for presentation topics or student-related activities are welcomed and encouraged. You may also submit your ideas to Anne.

Arvonne De Marco


Arvonne De Marco
JFK School of Law at National University

CCCBA Board Liaison

Patanisha Davis Pierson