Mentorship Program

CCCBA has started a pilot Mentorship Program List Serve that allows law students and attorney members who are looking for a mentor to communicate one-on-one with attorneys who want to be mentors.  

To sign-up, log in to your CCCBA member profile. Under the Membership tab, choose the services you need or the services you offer.  

Mentorship Program screen shot

The list of participants will be uploaded weekly to the CCCBA Mentorship Program list serve  When your name is added to the list serve, you will receive a notice via email from the list serve address at which time you may begin to post your needs to the list serve.  Mentors should respond directly to the posters. CCCBA will not be doing any assignments, but only providing a platform to facilitate connections. 

Please send your feedback to Sarah Marin at  and let us know the pros and cons of this program. 

Thank you.