Taxation Section
The Taxation Section is one of the longest running sections of CCCBA. Its members meet with tax agency leaders, skilled practitioners, and legal scholars to discuss changes in tax laws and administration.
The Taxation Section also holds joint meetings with a number of different sections, such as the Real Estate, Family Law, Bankruptcy and Estate Planning & Probate Sections, to educate them on t ax issues relevant to each section’s members. Speakers at events have included ranking members of the IRS, The Franchise Tax Board and legal scholars and practitioners. Legal ethics, recent tax acts and “practice pointers” are among the topics covered during the year.
The section invites all interested attorneys, accountants, financial advisors, and other to join us for one of our luncheon meetings. Affiliate membership is open to accounting practitioners only.
The mission of the Taxation Section is to promote understanding of the impact of taxes on all our lives, and to encourage networking between the tax community and other sections. We strive to highlight areas where our paths intersect no matter what area of law you practice. We invite all interested attorneys, accountants, financial advisors, and others to join us. Affiliate membership is open to accounting practitioners.
The Taxation Section presents information on substantive and procedural tax issues such as:
- Compensation and Benefits – Deliver updates on employment taxes, executive compensation, tax-qualified retirement plans, qualified domestic relations orders, and health and welfare benefits.
- Corporate and Pass-Through Entities – Provide answers to questions faced by corporate taxpayers, tax practitioners and corporate tax counsel.
- Estate, Real Property and Gift Taxes – Find commonality in these evolving areas of law in the great State of California.
- Income and Other Taxes – Highlight recent changes to federal income taxation.
- Tax Exempt Organizations – Exchange information among tax practitioners whose practice includes advising tax exempt organizations.
- Tax Policy, Practice and Legislation – Field opinions, concerns, and suggestions on legislative developments, tax procedure and tax litigation.
Board Members
Ryan W. Lockhart
McKenna Brink Signorotti LLP
(925) 433-5447
Virginia Peiser
(925) 933-7777 ext. 106
Brandon Spivack
Brothers Smith LLP
(925) 944-9700
CCCBA Board Liaison
David Pearson